Hello Out There!

Hello World!

After long personal await, I am finally starting this blog to record the happenings of life as I know it and my path of learning.  I wish to create a space for active conversation and interest in the community of which I call home.  It is the community;  both near and far, distant and present, past and future, that I wish to cultivate in my life.  It is an opportunity to converse about food, nutrition, science, wellness, public health, spirituality, yoga and whatever else might be ruminating in this mind of mine.  I am deeply passionate about health (both yours and mine!) and I wish to extend my knowledge by making it simple and practical to have healthy, delicious, sustainable foods at your kitchen table.   In my own life, I was at war with food for far too long… today, I wish to encourage others to make peace with themselves and the food that nourishes them.  Our current food political system is a place of war itself, how can we make change on a micro level without first changing at the macro?   We need radical change to redefine our idea of health in the current system of health care.   As a Public Health leader, I aim to change our perception of what wellness is, reconnect our minds and bodies to a more sustainable state and bring clarity to the dinner table.

So take a look, post a comment, ask me a question, tell me your thoughts, learn from my mistakes, allow me to learn from yours… enjoy!

In peace and health,


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